Why should every leader find time to meditate?

Katara Moves
2 min readMay 13, 2022

Blaise Pascal said: “​​All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

mindful leadership

I have just finished running a week-long mindfulness program at one of the global companies.

All we had to do was connect daily for 15 minutes and practice stillness, focused attention, and self-compassion. All this is commonly known as meditation.

It was amazing to see how even one week could support team managers and individual contributors in their professional and personal lives.

For those of you who still have doubts about the benefits of this practice — below are a few arguments:

  • Every successful, productive, wise leader I know of — has some meditation practice integrated into their daily routine. Most of the time, they say that it supports them in their capacity to stay calm and alert under stress and pressure. Another priceless benefit for leaders — is that it creates conditions for wise decision-making.
  • I always say that meditation is like weaving a parachute so that when you need to ‘jump,’ you guarantee yourself a softer landing. It does prepare us for the ‘bumpy ride’ of life.
  • Meditation helps us to improve relationships, first of all …. with ourselves. According to one study (run by Timothy Wilson, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia), people would rather be electrically shocked than left alone with their thoughts. Isn’t it why we are so good at distracting ourselves, leaving so little room for quiet time and reflection?
  • And finally — mindfulness meditation cultivates self-awareness. We become more aware of what triggers us, upsets us, moves us, and fulfils us. Self-awareness creates conditions for change and wise leadership.

Carl Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

My wish is that every single leader had access to a mindfulness coach or a teacher who would inspire and fuel curiosity around the training of the mind — called meditation.

I am convinced that this would result in more humble, wise, self-aware, compassionate people leading teams and companies.

Your mindfulness coach, Katia Khomich




Katara Moves

I am Katia. A health coach, mindfulness and yoga teacher who helps people to integrate well-being in the remote-first world and live a more mindful life.