5 science-based tools to increase motivation.

Katara Moves
2 min readApr 12, 2022

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter called a molecule of motivation, desire, rewards, memory, and even movement. You could argue that Type A personalities are driven by dopamine, looking at their capacity to stay motivated and focused. Unfortunately, this molecule also has a shadow side, as it plays a crucial role in forming addictive behaviour. But we will talk about it next time.

For now, I can’t imagine a person who would not want to have more energy and motivation to move forwards. Below are five simple things you could do:

Be aware of the circadian clock.

No surprise here — we tend to feel more energy and motivation in the morning. Given you have a good night’s sleep — your level of dopamine and cortisol will be elevated in the first 8 hours after waking up. So, plan your day keeping this in mind. Schedule work that requires focus and concentration in the morning.

View sunlight.

Viewing sunlight after waking up plays a role in releasing dopamine. Go for a short walk or open the window for 5–10 minutes. Even when the day is cloudy — you add more light to your eyes than if you stayed indoors. No sunglasses. No need to look at the sun directly.

If it’s still dark outside — turn on as much overhead light as possible.

Cold exposure.

Simply finishing your morning shower with cold water will boost your energy thanks to the release of adrenaline. Yet your level of dopamine is also affected. Trust me, and you won’t need coffee after a cold shower.

Learn to pay attention.

For example, practice mindfulness meditation, where you need to focus on an external object in the room or a sound.

Consider adding to your diet food rich in amino acids like Tyrosine.

Dopamine is made of Tyrosine.This amino acid can be found in turkey, beef, eggs, dairy, soy, and legumes.

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Katara Moves

I am Katia. A health coach, mindfulness and yoga teacher who helps people to integrate well-being in the remote-first world and live a more mindful life.